Showing 1–12 of 21 results

Access Controls


The Access Controls Course provides information pertaining to specify what users are permitted to do, the resources they are allowed to access, and what operations they are able to perform on a system. read more...

Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris


What you'll achieve: In this project-centered course* you will build a modern computer system, from the ground up. read more...

Cryptography I


In this course you will learn the inner workings of cryptographic systems and how to correctly use them in real-world applications. read more...

Cryptography II


In this course you will learn the inner workings of cryptographic systems and how to correctly use them in real-world applications. read more...

Data Communications and Network Services


Welcome to the third of five courses in the Cisco Networking Basics Specialization. Now that you know the basics of what an network is and how the devices on a network communicate with each other, it is time to explore the network further. read more...

Home Networking Basics


Welcome to the fourth of five courses in the Cisco Networking Basics Specialization. Now that you have a firm grasp of that, you can dive deeper into how do you actually build and secure a home network that includes lots of wireless devices. read more...

Internet Connection: How to Get Online


Welcome to the first of five courses in the Cisco Networking Basics Specialization. This course is developed by the Cisco Networking Academy. Cisco Networking Academy is an IT skills and career building program that connects millions of students, educators, and employers worldwide. read more...

Introduction to Blockchain: Benefits, Values and Opportunities


Blockchain technology is in a period of exceptional growth, and the accounting profession will play a significant role in driving its adoption. read more...

Introduction to Blockchain: Evolution and Technology Concepts


Blockchain technology is in a period of exceptional growth, and the accounting profession will play a significant role in driving its adoption. read more...

Introduction to Blockchain: Using and Securing Cryptocurrencies


Blockchain technology is in a period of exceptional growth, and the accounting profession will play a significant role in driving its adoption. read more...

Introduction to Cisco Networking


Welcome to the fifth and final course in the Cisco Networking Basics Specialization. Now that you have a firm grasp of how to build and secure a wireless home network, you will be introduced to the basics of adding Cisco routers and switches to networks that are typically deployed in small to medium sized businesses. read more...

IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts


This course covers a wide variety of IT security concepts, tools, and best practices. It introduces threats and attacks and the many ways they can show up. We'll give you some background of encryption algorithms and how they're used to safeguard data. Then, we'll dive into the three As of information security: authentication, authorization, and accounting. We'll also cover network security solutions, ranging from firewalls to Wifi encryption options. read more...