Showing 1–12 of 17 results

Agile with Atlassian Jira


This course discusses common foundational principles and practices used by agile methodologies, providing the student a flexible set of tools to use in any role on any agile team. read more...

Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark


Manipulating big data distributed over a cluster using functional concepts is rampant in industry, and is arguably one of the first widespread industrial uses of functional ideas. read more...

Continuous Delivery & DevOps


This course will provide you with the interdisciplinary skill set to cultivate a continuous deployment capability in your organization. read more...

Data Collection and Processing with Python


This course teaches you to fetch and process data from services on the Internet. It covers Python list comprehensions and provides opportunities to practice extracting from and processing deeply nested data. read more...

Functional Program Design in Scala


In this course you will learn how to apply the functional programming style in the design of larger applications. You'll get to know important new functional programming concepts, from lazy evaluation to structuring your libraries using monads. read more...

Getting Started with Python


This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. read more...

How Computers Work


Computers are everywhere, they aren't just the desktops and laptops we use for work but the phones in our pockets and even the watches on our wrists are also computers. You probably use a computer every day and in fact you are reading this on a computer! read more...

How Google does Machine Learning


What is machine learning, and what kinds of problems can it solve? Google thinks about machine learning slightly differently - of being about logic, rather than just data. read more...

Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization


This course will teach you the "magic" of getting deep learning to work well. Rather than the deep learning process being a black box, you will understand what drives performance, and be able to more systematically get good results. read more...

Introduction to Computer Programming


This MOOC provides you with the foundational skill set required to write computer programs. If you are interested in learning how to write interactive, graphical programs from an introductory level in a real programming language, this is the course for you. read more...

Learn Programming with Python in 100 Steps


We love Programming. Our aim with this course is to create a love for Programming. In more than 150 Steps, we explore the most important Python Programming Language Features. read more...

Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars


Welcome to Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars, the fourth course in University of Toronto's Self-Driving Cars Specialization. This course will introduce you to the main planning tasks in autonomous driving, including mission planning, behavior planning and local planning. read more...