Fintech: Foundations & Applications of Financial Technology Specialization
You'll learn the the essential components of technology-driven financial strategies, from complex regulations to cryptocurrency to portfolio optimization. read more...
International Organizations Management
This course provides an introduction to International Organizations and the United Nations, and explores how business and management tools can be applied in these settings to achieve better, more effective results. read more...
Boosting Creativity for Innovation
Successful contemporary business relies on the ability of all its employees to be creative. Creativity can be developed and refined, albeit with effort and practice. read more...
R Programming
In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. read more...
FinTech: Foundations, Payments, and Regulations
In this course, you'll learn the key components of modern-day investment strategies which utilize fintech. read more...
Organizational Analysis
In this introductory, self-paced course, you will learn multiple theories of organizational behavior and apply them to actual cases of organizational change. read more...
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