Showing 10–18 of 21 results

Introduction to Self-Driving Cars


Welcome to Introduction to Self-Driving Cars, the first course in University of Toronto's Self-Driving Cars Specialization. This course will introduce you to the terminology, design considerations and safety assessment of self-driving cars. read more...

Mathematics for Computer Science


Welcome to Introduction to Numerical Mathematics. This is designed to give you part of the mathematical foundations needed to work in computer science in any of its strands, from business to visual digital arts, music, games. read more...

Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars


Welcome to Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars, the fourth course in University of Toronto's Self-Driving Cars Specialization. This course will introduce you to the main planning tasks in autonomous driving, including mission planning, behavior planning and local planning. read more...

Parallel Programming


With every smartphone and computer now boasting multiple processors, the use of functional ideas to facilitate parallel programming is becoming increasingly widespread.g read more...

Programming Languages, Part A


This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of programming languages, with a strong emphasis on functional programming. read more...

Programming Languages, Part B


This course is part of an introduction to the basic concepts of programming languages, with a strong emphasis on functional programming. read more...

Python Basics


This course introduces the basics of Python 3, including conditional execution and iteration as control structures, and strings and lists as data structures. You'll program an on-screen Turtle to draw pretty pictures. read more...

Python Classes and Inheritance


This course introduces classes, instances, and inheritance. You will learn how to use classes to represent data in concise and natural ways. You'll also learn how to override built-in methods and how to create "inherited" classes that reuse functionality. read more...

Python Functions, Files, and Dictionaries


This course introduces the dictionary data structure and user-defined functions. You'll learn about local and global variables, optional and keyword parameter-passing, named functions and lambda expressions. read more...